We've had two NSF grants awarded this summer through the DEB Ecosystems program!
One project is a collaboration with Sarah Godsey at ISU. We'll be funding two graduate students (one in Bio and one in Geo) to explore spatial-temporal dynamics of streamflow intermittence and how that affects organic carbon biogeochemistry across a small intermittent stream network. I have one grad position for this project to start Jan 2021.
A second project is a collaboration with colleagues at UGA, UMass, FIU, Portland State, and the USGS. We'll be studying spatial and temporal patterns of aquatic DOC in 5 cities across the United States. I'll have two grad positions available for this project starting May 2021.
One project is a collaboration with Sarah Godsey at ISU. We'll be funding two graduate students (one in Bio and one in Geo) to explore spatial-temporal dynamics of streamflow intermittence and how that affects organic carbon biogeochemistry across a small intermittent stream network. I have one grad position for this project to start Jan 2021.
A second project is a collaboration with colleagues at UGA, UMass, FIU, Portland State, and the USGS. We'll be studying spatial and temporal patterns of aquatic DOC in 5 cities across the United States. I'll have two grad positions available for this project starting May 2021.